Jun 18, 2004

Y helo thar

Well, this post is prepared in advance, because at the moment the website is down and it won't let me post, personally i blame the conservatives, they didn't like my anti-American message, but today has been a fun tiring day, it appears life is back to normal.

I woke up this morning bright and early, and dutifully headed out to the weight room at Joplin High, did my little workout, and skipped speed city to play basketball with some of my soccer buddies and some basketball players, it was 5 basketball players, vs 6 soccer players, they kicked our ass so bad I'll be walking funny for a week. After that I went home and just chilled for a bit until soccer practice. At soccer practice we did some running, kicked some long balls, (mine actually, they do hang to the knees, it hurt a lot). While kicking those balls I popped my big toe, but was a trooper and kept playing. In the process of popping that big toe, my cleats completely came apart, so I had these little shoe tacks jamming up into my foot for the rest of practice. After practice Maher and Jeff Maxwell came over and we watched Road Trip, the uncensored version, there was a lot more booby in it, quite a pleasant sight. After that we decided to prank CENSORED(just in case someone rats on us) and we did some interesting stuff to that individual's car. So now here I sit, dead tired, furiously pounding away at this keyboard trying to make something entertaining so that someday someone may think I'm insightful.

Latest News: I bought myself some bitchen new cleats, Puma Icana's, I cant wait for them to arrive.

Rasputin had one hell of a penis, god damn, no wonder the Russian nobles wanted to kill him, penis envy. (why did they preserve it in a jar for 90 years though?!)

Apparently something was wrong with the little website spell checker yesterday, and it cant handle special characters.

Martha, I'm sorry I forgot to mention you, but you did ask.

I subscribe to Rolling Stone, and apparently Rolling Stone and playboy are shipped by the same people, two days ago I got a little subscription card from Playboy, 12 issues for 12 bucks, my dad promptly mailed it back, and is currently awaiting the first issue to arrive, and upon payment, I get a free Sexy Nude Coeds DVD. For some reason I am not excited, I think it is because of the fact that my dad is the one who is really wanting all this Playboy stuff. (Although I do like to look at the uh...articles)

Happy Birthday to Steph from the seminar, you are now immortalized online for being 16 on this day, have fun and remember the phrase "I'm 16, I do what I want"

AIDS came from a botched polio vaccine tested in Africa in the 50's, blame man for AIDS, not monkey fuckers.

Currently listening to: Gomez - Catch Me Up

Currently reading: The River (about how HIV and AIDS came to be, damn Belgium scientists)

Today's fucking moron award goes to: George W. Bush, with those damn dirty Belgium scientists coming in 2nd, bastards.

I love you all,

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